Shall we sleep on this, Yö Galleria

(right) Self-portrait in the Studio, coloured pencil on paper, 42×30 cm, 2023

Shall we sleep on this? is a durational exhibition that evolves as time passes. The exhibition depicts moments when a consensus fails to be reached and tackles the psychological landscape when the line ‘Shall we sleep on this?’ enters such a scene.
I always find myself in a state between multiple decision making attempts. Being sandwiched in between, unsettled, I am either buzzing around bumping heads, or working excessively to a greater deadline and/or potentiality. Sometimes, it happens so that I am just buffering for an eternity being lost or feeling too resistant to surrendering or change. Either way, being in a state between the previous negotiation and the next for me is work.
Curator, Chih-tung Lin
Image credit: Noora Lehtovuori